Go eXo Matte v1.0
Requirements: Android 2.0 and up
Overview: Dark matte theme of the new eXo suite !
Requirements: Android 2.0 and up
Overview: Dark matte theme of the new eXo suite !
Go eXo Matte v1.0
Requirements: Android 2.0 and up
Overview: Dark matte theme of the new eXo suite !
Requirements: Android 2.0 and up
Overview: Dark matte theme of the new eXo suite !
Requires Go Launcher EX
This ADW Theme include :
240 and more icons icons ( Yeah Go Launcher can do that too!)
Frequently updated
Clean and minimal blue theme
Only HDPI support for now
-- GUIDE (for same as screenshots)
- Install & configure the eXo theme
1. Install Go Launcher EX from the market.
2. In Go Launcher EX press menu > Themes > Scroll to eXo Matte.
3. Put icons in the dockbar and press it > Choose icon > theme icon > choose icons of top lines
4. Choose another dock : Menu button > Preferences > Visual Settings > Backgrounds > Dock Background
- Install extra widgets
Miui clock :
MIUI Evolution Reload Clock
MIUI Dark Analog Clock Widget
Configuration > Add the widget to desktop > Apply skin to a clock > choose skin
Snowstorm (weather widget) :
Add 4x1 widget on desktop > tap on it > choose your location and check transparent background > Save.
tap again on it > Menu button > Skin > scroll down in the bottom and choose tick (for fit like my screenshot) or whatever your want.
tap again again on it
More Info: